The Website


this website designed and maintained by Anita Greg of mermaidwebs on behalf of the Friends of St Georges market - sometimes to be found on Mullans Organic Farm stall

and it is intended that it will

    a/ provide information about the Friends projects and about busineses trading at St Georges market and other things connected with them


details are being worked out , but the idea is that basic listings on the market pages are free but there will also be sponsored promotions which will work for three months at a time

for a donation of ?10 a box ad with up to 100 charecters of descriptive text

for a donation of ?20 the box ad can be whatever colour and font that you like
and for a very large donation , be dayglo , twinkling and include pictures of your family and cats or what you wish - within some bounds of legality taste and decency

this is all still being worked out at the moment but please do get in touch with ideas and suggestions

                                                 all best wishes , Anita


ps - think one way it will work is something like this (below)
with clicking on the picture taking the visitor to the trader's website , ebay page , or a to a page with more information on it which I can set up - other ideas and list of suggested donations are on the way .....